Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Homemade Butter

We decided to try to make our own homemade butter, both for saving money and for health reasons (no reason butter should have more than 1-2 ingredient). And it is soooo simple to make!
Get heavy whipping cream and shake shake shake... No really, you're shaking for about 25 minutes then you drain, rinse and shake some more.

1.  We used mason jars to mix ours, fill the mason jar about halfway with heavy cream. Close it up shake.
2.  After about 5 minutes, the cream will turn to whipping cream. Keep shaking!
3.  The mixture will start to thicken and make a "shook shook" sound while you're shaking it.
4.  Now the fun part, it's going to separate into two parts. The solid piece should be a slight yellow color, this is the butter. The liquid is fresh buttermilk.

And people spend $20+ for a shake weight...they should just try making butter! 

5.  Now you'll want to pour the buttermilk into your extra container (if you're saving it). Take the butter and squeeze out the excess buttermilk. We simply pressed ours into a strainer with small holes so the butter didn't fall through as well. 
6.   Rinse with cold water and repeat until the water you're squeezing out runs clear. 

 That's it, you now have fresh butter (pictured above) and buttermilk.


  1. How much butter can you get from a pint of heavy cream?

  2. We usually buy quarts and 1 quart of heavy whipping cream yields about 1 pound of butter :)
