Sunday, January 4, 2015


After a very chaotic Holiday season and the birth of our son fast approaching, I'm finding my time stretched completely thin! I have, however, been working on getting sprouts ready for the chickens so they have some greens to snack on over the winter.

Sprouts are a super easy treat to give your chickens. I ordered a few packets from Seeds Now, I highly recommend them! Their prices are very reasonable and the shipping was wicked quick!

First I soaked the seeds (it was a 1/2 cup packet) in water with about 1 tsp of lemon juice for 24 hours. (Lemon juice helps prevent molding)
Then I rinsed the seeds thoroughly with a strainer until the water ran clear.
Place the seeds into the container, I used one of the foil baking pans. Press the seeds flat so there aren't any large clumps or mounds.
 Mist with water 2x a day and I used the lid it came with to cover it.
After less than 24 hours there are already sprouts popping through!
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

Day 7 - Excuse their muddy mess of a run, we've had a horrible run of weather lately with a ton of rain and snow and it's turned everything into a mud pit! But, I think it's safe to say the chickens are very happy to see some lovely fresh greens!

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